10th class-cbse english-(NCERT BOOK-first flight)(poem) Poem-4(How to tell wild animal)

Answer following questions in short.

Q1) The poet has mentioned some of the wild animals of the forest and water. What are they?
Ans1)  The poet mentions many wild animals in the poem. They are the lion, the tiger, the bear, the hyena, the leopard and the chameleon, etc. The crocodile is water animals.

Q2) How you can identify the Asian lion and the Bengal tiger?
Ans2) The lion is large and tawny beast. It will roar on seeing a man. A tiger has a greeting quality. It has black stripes on its yellow coloured body. It will immediately attack and eat a person.

Q3) Write the summary of the poem ‘How to tell wild animal’?
Ans3) The poet mentions many wild animals in the poem. They are the lion, the tiger, the bear, the hyena, the leopard and the chameleon, crocodile etc. A lion will roar on seeing a human being. A tiger with black stripes on its body will immediately attack and eat a man. Leopard has spots on his body. It leaps on its enemy. A bear always shows affection. A crocodiles is a treacherous type of water animal and a hyena will show merry smiles. All these animals are our enemies.But a chameleon is a simple and sympathetic type of creature. It is always found on a tree. It has neither wings nor ears.

Some more questions for practice.

Q1) How will you differentiate between a leopard and a bear?

Q2) Write down about the chameleon?

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